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Future of Work - The Same but Different

While it is likely you have heard the term "think outside of the box" it isn't always easy to create a tangible example of what that...

Future of Work - 1st Book Recommendation

When it comes to the "Future of Work", one thing you can be certain about is you will be in transition at least ONCE in your career. So...

Future of Work - Germany Work 4.0

The 'Future of Work" is a Worldwide phenomenon. Different countries are tackling the problem in their own way. This week we take a...

Future of Work - NASA Framework

It's always a good idea to find/leverage industry "best practices" before embarking on any journey, as it can save you a LOT of time....

Jobs of the Future - What Floats your Boat?

"What Floats your Boat"? I ask that question to people all the time ! Why? Because I always stress to people that need to focus on...

Future of Work - Ignorance is NOT Bliss

One of the challenges of the future of work, is that there is going to be a LOT to know, and things have the potential to change quickly...

Future of Work - The K.I.S.S. Principle

When it comes to the future of work, I think it is safe to say that we can expect to see MORE technology solutions - not less. But as we ...

Future of Work - Status Quo is a No Go

Status Quo. Its safe, its comfortable and it is most DEFINITELY not the best approach for getting yourself ready for the jobs of the...

Future of Work - Quick Reference Guide

A little something we recently assembled to share the starting activities we believe will help people get started on their journey to ...

Future of Work - "Commoditization"

One of the realities of the "Future of Work" is that new technology capabilities will evolve, which will impact tomorrow's workforce in...

The "Future of Work" - Forrester PDF

Yes, I have been uncharacteristically quiet the past few months. Quiet doesn't mean I haven't been busy (I have) - but I have been...

January 2019 - Presentation "teaser"

You might think 4 months is a lot of time to write a single presentation. But it really isn't when you are designing a information...

Wow ! Artificial General Intelligence !!!

As I do every evening, I skim through a number of social feeds and websites in my never ending quest to "keep pace" with technology. ...


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