It is often said that people should get out of their comfort zones and try new things. Well I am applying that advice to myself - and after a LOT of thought (and planning) - I going to be evolving a Video Blog.
So as part of today's blog I wanted to announce that the first entry is now available at:
What is the focus of the VLog ?
The focus of my VLog is the intersection of my love of disruptive technologies and the opportunities/challenges as to how they impact the "Future of Work". One of those challenges is the amount of "Future of Work" articles that follow this general "format"
The future of work will be different
Impact of a particular topic (say automation)
How jobs will be lost by the technology
How jobs will be created by the technology
You need to obtain new skills
Ends with the need to be a "Life Long" learner
Did you notice anything missing from that format? Not a single piece of actionable guidance as to what YOU can do to begin preparing yourself for what is next.
What will we talk about?
As I am learning something "new" I expect the structure to evolve as I get better at doing this. But to start, the initial elements of each entry will include some/all of the following
Weekly Article - Some topical article that kicks that Vlog off
Establish / Apply "Future of Work" Principles - We want to establish a consistent approach
"Actionable" Guidance - Identifying something you can do / try to apply that concept
And most importantly - HAVE FUN.
Your Feedback WANTED !
While I have a lot of ideas on paper, your suggestions/questions are MORE than welcome. For the time being, please comment on the videos either on Linkedin or my Facebook page: