I have been quiet on the blog front, due in large part to the amount of work I have been putting into my January 2019 AI presentation. The presentation is coming along nicely - and I have some really exciting insights to share (and of course some new "visuals'). I will be sharing much more about the presentation in the coming weeks, probably around the beginning of December.
So today's blog entry was driven by a few things.
One of the sections of my presentation will reference AI bias, so I wanted a supporting section in the AI-Guide
A large number of articles & announcements specific to AI bias that showed up in my feeds
A fantastic Google video on Bias that used a banana as the example.
The sum total of those 3 came together and it was as though the section wrote itself !! And while my recommendation may sound 'biased", I think the links I have assembled are not only interesting reads - but will give you a very good understanding of the issues at hand.
To access the Bias section of the Keep Pace AI-Guide - Click the following link: